Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Chang Huan Lo

Example Scenario

Initial plan

  • implement new functionality
  • test at the end


  • implementation takes much longer than expected
  • time to test
    • huge codebase to test
    • pressure to ship → skimp on testing
    • defects discovered this late are costly to fix

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

  • software design practice developed by Kent Beck
  • general workflow
flowchart LR
    A[Think] --> B[Red]
    B --> C[Green]
    C --> D[Refactor]
    D --> C
    D --> A
    style B stroke:#f00
    style C stroke:#04B46D

Make it green, then make it clean!

Why TDD?

  • self-testing code, more fault-tolerant
  • rapid feedback
  • clearer software APIs
  • continuous refactoring → improved code quality

Where to Begin?

  1. Core interface
  2. Calculations and branches
  3. Loops and generalisation
  4. Special cases and error handling
  5. Runtime assertions


Test Zero, then One, then Many. While you test, pay attention to Boundaries, Interfaces, and Exceptions, all while keeping test scenarios and solutions Simple.

James Grenning

A TDD Example


Create a ROT-13 encoding function, a simple Caesar cipher where “abc” becomes “nop” and vice versa.

1. Core interface (think, red)

## test_rot13.py
from tdd_toy_example import rot13

def test_transform():
    assert rot13.transform("") == ""

1. Core interface (green)

## rot13.py
def transform(input):
    return ""

1. Core interface (refactor)

## test_rot13.py
from tdd_toy_example import rot13

def test_transform_with_empty_string():
    assert rot13.transform("") == "", \
        "Empty string should return empty string"

2. Calculations and branches (think core logic)

  • loop through a string and transform each character
  • smaller step → transform one character
  • even smaller?

2. Calculations and branches (think core logic, red)

## test_rot13.py
def test_transform_lowercase_letters():
    assert rot13.transform("a") == "n"

2. Calculations and branches (green)

## rot13.py
def transform(input):
    if input == "":
        return ""
    char_code = ord(input[0])
    char_code += 13
    return chr(char_code)

2. Calculations and branches (refactor)

## rot13.py
def transform(input):
    if input == "":
        return ""
    # get unicode code point of first character
    char_code = ord(input[0])
    char_code += 13
    return chr(char_code)

2. Calculations and branches (repeat)

  • Lower-case letter forward: a → n
  • Lower-case letter backward: n → a
  • First character before “a” doesn’t rotate: ` → `
  • First character after “z” doesn’t rotate: { → {
  • Upper-case letters forward: A → N
  • Upper-case letters backward: N → A
  • More boundary cases: @ → @ and [ → [

2. Calculations and branches (repeat)

## test_rot13.py
import pytest

from tdd_toy_example import rot13

def test_transform_empty_string():
    assert rot13.transform("") == "", \
        "Empty string should return empty string"

    "test_input, expected",
        ("a", "n"),
        ("n", "a"),
    ids=["forward", "backward"],
def test_transform_lowercase_letters(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

    "test_input, expected",
        ("A", "N"),
        ("N", "A"),
    ids=["forward", "backward"],
def test_transform_uppercase_letters(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

        ("`", "`"),
        ("{", "{"),
        ("@", "@"),
        ("[", "["),
def test_transform_symbols(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

3. Loops and generalisation (think handle full strings, red)

## test_rot13.py
    "test_input, expected",
        ("a", "n"),
        ("n", "a"),
        ("abc", "nop"),
    ids=["forward", "backward", "forward string"],
def test_transform_lowercase_letters(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

3. Loops and generalisation (green)

## rot13.py
def transform(input):
    if input == "":
        return ""
    output = ""
    for letter in input:
        output += transform_letter(letter)
    return output

def transform_letter(letter):
    if not letter.isalpha():
        return letter
    # convert input to lowercase
    input_lower = letter.lower()
    # get unicode code point of first character
    char_code = ord(input_lower)
    if char_code >= ord("n"):
        char_code -= 13
        char_code += 13
    output = chr(char_code)
    return output.upper() if letter.isupper() else output


4. Special cases, error handling, runtime assertions

  • no parameter provided
  • wrong parameter type provided
  • numbers
  • non-English letters
  • emojis
## test_rot13.py
import pytest

from tdd_toy_example import rot13

def test_transform_empty_string():
    assert rot13.transform("") == "", \
        "Empty string should return empty string"

    "test_input, expected",
        ("a", "n"),
        ("n", "a"),
        ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm"),
    ids=["forward", "backward", "string"],
def test_transform_lowercase_letters(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

    "test_input, expected",
        ("A", "N"),
        ("N", "A"),
    ids=["forward", "backward", "string"],
def test_transform_uppercase_letters(test_input, expected):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", ["`", "{", "@", "[", "`{@["])
def test_transform_symbols(test_input):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == test_input

def test_transform_numbers():
    assert rot13.transform("0123456789") == "0123456789"

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", ["äöüßéñç", "ÄÖÜẞÉÑÇ"])
def test_transform_non_english_letters(test_input):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == test_input

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input", ["👍", "💁", "👌", "😍"])
def test_transform_emoji_string(test_input):
    assert rot13.transform(test_input) == test_input

def test_transform_no_parameter():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected string parameter"):

def test_transform_wrong_parameter_type():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected string parameter"):

## rot13.py
def transform(input=None):
    if input is None or not isinstance(input, str):
        raise TypeError("Expected string parameter")
    if input == "":
        return ""
    output = ""
    for letter in input:
        output += transform_letter(letter)
    return output

def transform_letter(letter):
    if is_non_english_letter(letter):
        return letter
    # convert input to lowercase
    input_lower = letter.lower()
    # get unicode code point of first character
    char_code = ord(input_lower)
    if char_code >= ord("n"):
        char_code -= 13
        char_code += 13
    output = chr(char_code)
    return output.upper() if letter.isupper() else output

def is_non_english_letter(letter):
    return not letter.isascii() or not letter.isalpha()

TDD Summary

  • Focus on code design
  • Small increments
  • Short feedback loops
  • Continuous refactoring

Further Reading

  1. Astels, D. (2003). Test-driven development: A practical guide
  2. Beck, K. (2002). Test driven development: By example
  3. Shore, J., & Warden, S. (2021). The art of agile development: Test-driven development


  1. Grenning, J. (2016). TDD guided by ZOMBIES
  2. Martin, R.C. (2014). The clean code blog: The cycles of TDD
  3. Shore, J., & Warden, S. (2021). The art of agile development: Test-driven development
  4. Steinfeld, G. (2020). 5 Steps of test-driven development